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Guide to Making Amends in Addiction Recovery: Step 9 of AA
Even if you want to justly or correct, allow them the right to express their experiences, feelings and thoughts about the harm. If you have a reaction to their feedback, pause and just listen then share your thoughts about this with your support system, therapist or sponsor. In many 12-step recovery programs, making amends is an important part of the process.
h Step Promises: Experiencing True Freedom in Recovery
Understandably, some people may just need more time to learn how to trust you again. In these instances, the best thing you can do is to focus on your behavior and remain faithful to your commitment to live an honest, sober life. Sometimes, you may not have the opportunity to make direct amends to the person you harmed. Perhaps living amends definition the person is no longer living, or you no longer have contact with them and reestablishing contact would cause more harm. When someone is alive and you’ve hurt them, amends are more straightforward.
The List Of Wrongs
“If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. This can refer to participation in a wide variety of methods.
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others
In Step 9, participants acknowledge the negative impact their addiction had on others and commit to direct amends where possible. True amends go beyond apologies; they involve sustained change. These actions demonstrate a new way of living and help develop accountability, paving the way for Step 10, where amends are made immediately upon realizing harm. Again, in recovery, your words may not mean as much to some people as you wish they would.
Ways to Make Amends in Recovery
- Soon, you’ll run out of reasons to give your loved ones why you’ve failed them once again.
- Though this cannot undo or directly compensate for the initial mistake, it can serve as living amends that comes through a different way of being in the world.
- This might happen in situations where reaching out to the affected party cannot be done, or if permanent damage makes reconciliation unattainable.
- An alcoholic in recovery first creates the list of individuals they have harmed during step eight and then divides the list into four categories.
- Deathbed promises are a common way people make living amends.
By embracing their history without remorse, they pave the way for self-compassion and developmental strides forward. This progress is marked by a decline in feelings of uselessness and self-pity, which in turn boosts their sense of self-value. Alcoholics Anonymous lays out twelve promises that offer those in recovery a sense of hope and the prospect of attaining peace. They mark the beginning of an altered existence, one that pivots from self-centeredness towards a life with greater consideration for others.
- Those in recovery are encouraged to keep an ongoing ninth step in their life by continuing to pay off debts and refraining from lying, stealing, or cheating.
- When making direct amends, it is usually best to do so after a sustained period of sobriety and while in a calm state of mind.
- When he runs out of clean clothes, I don’t lecture or offer solutions.
- Living amends, in this event, can include making changes to the behaviors contributing to the falling out between the survivor and the person they owed an apology to.
- As recovering addicts, we fear the loss of control we experienced in our darkest days.
On A Mission To End Addiction!
The beauty of this process for newcomers and those unsure of where to go next is that their recovery from alcoholism is outlined in twelve in-depth action steps. Many alcoholics are guided through the steps by a sponsor, but some individuals complete the steps on their own. AA’s step work has been adjusted for use in other addiction recovery programs, such as sex addiction or drug addiction. Overall, Sober living house the step of making amends in AA encompasses the program’s mission to heal the emotional and spiritual aspects of alcoholism while also diminishing the physical and mental side effects of addiction. It is important to note that just because you have made amends does not mean that your relationships will be completely healed or return back to normal. Before completing step nine, the recovering alcoholic needs to be ready to deliver their message with the best intentions, not motivated by false expectations.
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